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Rebeca Cássia Andrade

Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)

PhD in Education (Education and Science) - UFMG. Master in Agronomy (Entomology) and Bachelor in Agronomy - UFLA. I am interested in the areas of Production and Circulation of Knowledge; Knowledge systems in different socio-technical practices; Relationships between scientific, everyday and school knowledge; Indigenous Education; Intercultural Education; Rural Education; Environmental education; Entomology; Agroecology; Urban and Organic Agriculture.



ANDRADE, RC; COUTINHO, FA Elements for a multicultural education as an approach to the formation of indigenous teachers. Curriculum without Borders, v. 18, n. 2, p. 584-599, 2018. Available at:


ANDRADE, RC; RODRIGUES E SILVA, F .; COUTINHO, FA Ethnoentomology in an actor-network reading: implications for teaching biology to rural people. V Enebio and II Regional Erebio 1. São Paulo: SBEnBio, n. 7, 2014, p. 6,381-6,391. Available at:

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